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CoDe MatE Lab student wins AIChE-CoMSEF Graduate Student Award
Nov 19 2020
At the 2020 AIChE National Meeting, Ryther Anderson was one of two winners of Graduate Student Award by the Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum. This award recognizes excellence in research by graduate students in the field of molecular simulation.
CoDe MaTE Lab contributes to develop new gas storage material for next-gen clean energy vehicles
May 19, 2020
In work published in Science, molecular simulations by the CoDe MaTE Lab contributed to the discovery of a new nanoporous material (NU-1501) that balances volumetric and gravimetric storage of clean gaseous fuels such as methane and hydrogen. Our own Ryther Anderson co-first authored the work.
CoDE MaTE Lab Alumni wins two graduate research fellowships
May 6, 2020
Former undergraduate researcher, Chloe Archuleta has been offered two prestigious graduate research fellowships. One by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and one by the Department of Defense (DoD). While at the CoDe MaTE Lab, Chloe studied organic linker-induced electronic effects on MOF-encapsulated catalysts.